The Loss of a Pet

Owning a pet can be one of the most rewarding decisions one can make. But, a truth that accompanies this decision is that most owners will outlive their pets. This begs a very important question. How do you lessen the grief after you lose a pet? The answer is actually quite simple.
You don’t.
Grieving for a Deceased Pet
From joyous to sad, we experience a range of emotions. Grief is not only a normal part of this spectrum, but it’s a healthy one as well. When you grieve a loss, it means you’ve allowed yourself to become emotionally attached to another living creature. It also means you acknowledge his or her overall significance.
The message here is to allow yourself to grieve for your deceased pet. You are honoring the relationship you had, and you’re providing yourself the ability to move forward with your life. Also important is to consciously cherish your moments with every living creature, while he or she is still alive. By doing so, you are creating memories you’ll treasure forever.
If you are grieving the loss of a pet, please visit the pet loss library. Doing so may provide some much needed comfort during this trying time.
To find out more about Dr. Phil Zeltzman, or to schedule a consultation, please contact him today.