Precious' Story of Tongue Mass

Precious is a 1 year old kitty with a mass along the tongue. It was removed and turned out to be benign (ulcerative glossitis).  Her owner PT writes: “We can not express how grateful we are for all of you taking care of Precious.  She is doing wonderful, and getting better day by day.  Thank you again for everything everyone has done for her.”

Then later she writes again!
"Dr. Zeltzman & Staff,

(...) I want to let you know that from the minute I called to make the appointment for Precious your staff treated us with the utmost respect.

Everytime I called to even check on her, I received up to date info on her and spoke to the person who was with her.
I really felt at that time that she was in the best hands she could have possibly been in.

I know most people would think we were nuts for putting so much into her, being she came from the garden in July.
She has been through a lot and there's a reason for everything. I am so glad that she came through this ordeal okay and hopefully from here on out she will be fine.

But thank you again for putting our minds at ease, and for everything you and your staff did for her. If it was not for great people like yourself and your staff, she would not be a part of our family today.

She is doing wonderful and getting to be a little kitten like she should be.  Her days are spent watching birds and the fish in the koi pond.   Words just can not express how grateful we are."

And another update!
"Dr. Zeltzman, Just thought I would give an update on Precious. It has been a year that we found her. (...) She is now 10.5 lbs. and being a little terror.  Thanks again for being part of helping her make her 1st birthday. And hopefully we will have many many more for come.  Thanks again to you and your staff for everything".

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